Garden-Share Membership

 What is a Garden-Share? It is a way of creating community around the food we eat. It is an opportunity to connect with the same soil that nourishes your food.  A return to old traditions with a new twist, and without the hefty cost of purchasing a farm or the burden of daily chores.

farmer commitments

member commitments

member benefits


March - May

Springs is a time of transition and in my opinion one of the most important times of year on the farm. During spring we start seedlings in the greens room as well as the greenhouse,  prepare garden beds, and even begin planting into the ground! 

Fresh Food Boxes during spring are bi-weekly and include some of these crops:

Garden-share members join us for 4 hours/ month during the spring, the most important time to soak in the sunshine from the greenhouse if you ask me!


June - August

Fresh Food Boxes during Summer are weekly and include a variety of these crops: rhubarb, peas, cucumber, tomatoes, salad mix, 

Garden-share members join us for 8 hours/month during the spring, the most important time to soak in the sunshine from the greenhouse if you ask me!


September - November

Fall is another major time of transition on the farm. We have the abundance of the harvest season to enjoy so many delicious vegetables. On the farm, we are harvesting none stop and putting food away for storage, planting bulbs for the new year, and putting many of our gardens to rest mode for the winter.

Garden-share members join us for 8 hours/month during the fall, a busy time of year on the farm as well bring in the harvest and prepare storage crops and put the beds to rest for the cold months ahead.


December - February

As a Garden-share Member, you can enjoy storage crops from the previous harvest season(as supplies last), hardy crops in unheated hoop houses, complemented with microgreens and greens grown in our heated greens rooms.

Food Boxes during the winter months are bi-weekly and include a variety of these crops: carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, beets, cabbage, winter radish, squash, kale, spinach, celeriac, rutabaga, kohlrabi...

Delivery add-ons also include eggs, chicken, and our salad box program.

Abundance members and able to volunteer during the winter months, but no required monthly hours.

 Investment: Monthly Fee (regular share $111 or small $77) plus the season's required working hours per month. These hours can be split throughout the month as fits your schedule.  

 Note: Aroma Acres is not responsible for the outcome of the harvest, while we work as a team to provide a bountiful harvest we are not responsible for the loss of crops.